Over at the
Faith & Family Live! blog they post a thread each week to share the small success that you have had each week. Here is a quote from the site: "It’s important for moms to recognize that all the small successes in our days can add up to one big triumph." I have been meaning to do this for awhile, but am just now getting to where I can start sharing my small successes here each week.
1. We have made it through the week with the stomach flu traveling around from person to person. I had it first, then Abby and then my husband, Joe. So far, no one else has gotten it yet and there are 3 children left that could come down with it. I know this seems like a silly success, but is it ever hard one everyone when the flu is going through our house!
2. I finally purchased the book,
Divine Office for Dodo's: A Step-by-Step to Praying the Liturgy of the Hours by Madeline Pecora Nugent. I have had this book on my wish list at Amazon for well over a year. I was at our local Catholic bookstore the other day and was so thrilled to see a whole stack of them on the shelf! I am planning on buying my first volume of the Liturgy of the Hours this weekend.
3. Today is a special day for us. It is Abby's 13th birthday! She is definitely one of my successes in life. She is growing up to be such a beautiful & caring young lady. I am so proud of her!
God Bless,