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Friday, April 18, 2014

Journal Friday - covering unwanted areas in magazine ads

Yesterday I was able to complete a page in my collage journal and decided to bring you all along to watch as I covered up unwanted areas on a magazine page.  I really liked the image and wanted to use it, without cutting the unwanted parts off.  So, I decided to cover up those areas with roses and butterfly wings.  

I wanted to share this with you, because there are so many wonderful magazine images out there but a lot of them have unwanted areas, words, and even ladies with amazing expressions on their faces and a lack of clothing in the appropriate areas. lol  But, it's not hard to cover those areas up with flowers, butterfly wings, watch faces, jewelry and such.  You could also use your own cut-out title to cover up places, too.  I have even (very lightly) used matching acrylic paint to cover up some things but I don't do that often, because the paint can cause the magazine paper to wrinkle up and sometimes it doesn't like to dry flat and smooth. 

Thanks so much and if you have any questions, please ask in the comments and I will get back with you as soon as I can!  

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Where did you get the quote on instar again? I love quotes and live your collages. I love this art style as well. Thank you!

    1. Follow DaleAnnePotter1 on Instagram! She always shares wonderful and positive quotes and is a great inspiration about living positive :-)

  2. Can you please tell me what pen you are using for the writing in black? Looks like a black Sharpie? What kind of pen?


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