I have gotten photos of 3 different kinds of woodpeckers in our back yard, but this is the first one I'm sharing. I believe it's a ladder-back woodpecker. We have also seen a golden-fronted woodpecker. The old "Field Guide to Western Birds" book that my dad gave us years ago is really coming in handy! I have it on top of our fridge and every time I see a bird that I don't recognize, I grab that book and try to find the bird inside.
The woodpecker condominium that's located in my neighbors back yard. I'm not sure if the kind of woodpecker in the above photo lives here or not.
Isn't the caterpillar beautiful? He was eating lots of leaves by our back porch and will one day turn into an amazing monarch butterfly. I hope he comes back to visit then so that I can take his picture. ;-) Gracie sat by him for quiet awhile. She doesn't seem to be afraid of bugs at all, but is instead very interested in them....so far. lol
I'm not sure what these are, but they have come up all around my peonies. Gracie loves that they are her favorite color, blue.
One of our trees in our back yard is already starting to change colors and drop it's leaves. It has been such a cool summer. I wonder if autumn will arrive early this year.....
I hope that you enjoyed these photos. There is so much happening in our own, little back yard! I will share more of our discoveries soon......
Di, you are an ammaazziinnng photographer! wow! The caterpillar shot is simply awesome! Thanks for posting these pics...I'm always up for some good wholesome eye candy! lol