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Friday, February 7, 2014

I'm No Shrinking Violet - an ATC

Hello everyone!  Well, first of all I can't believe that I haven't done a single thing on here since mid-September.  Wow.  I have to say that I really hit a crummy point and was just down.  It seemed like my Muse had packed up and left along with all of my sense of keeping my life running smoothly and happily.  It all just fell to pieces.  So here I am, finally trying to pick up all of those pieces and start putting them carefully back together again in a way that works the best for me, who I am and who I really want to be.  Wish me luck! lol  It's going to be a lot of work and not an easy thing to do, but it's got to be done.

I am in a group on Facebook called The Studio and I had signed up for this months challenge.  It is an ATC challenge where we have to create several cards and share them throughout this month.  The theme is LOVE.  But not love of others, but sharing something that you love about yourself.  Wow, was that a hard one for me to think about.  Especially after how I felt about myself after this past year where I felt like I had completely fell apart.

I had no idea what to do, so I pulled out a magazine and started flipping through it and found the sentence, "I'm no shrinking violet."  After I saw that, I knew it's what I had to use.  Heck, I just survived one crappy year and I've been through loads of other pretty awful things and guess what, I'm still here, still moving on, still plugging along, still trying to make it work and make things better.  Then I remembered a magazine ad that I had in my stash of papers for collage.  It was covered with violets.  So down into my studio I went (a.k.a. the dark, creepy and freezing cold unfinished basement lol), I turned on my video camera and here's what I created.

I'm really happy with how it turned out.  It's been quite awhile since I have made an ATC and I sure have been jealous of all of the wonderful ones I've seen people swapping on Instagram.  I hope to be able to join in some swaps soon, that's for sure!

Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope to be sharing more this weekend.  I have completed several pages from my collage journal that I'd like to share and I will also have a video of my working on some of those pages as well.  I also finished an art journal page and need to work on the video for that one, too.  Lots going on and it sure does look like my Muse decided to come back home.  Wow, am I ever so grateful!! <3

Take care,

1 comment:

  1. wow, hi, my name is Jan and I just found you on you tube and love your videos! I just had to come to your blog to meet you. I don't know what you went through this past year but I can relate to things "falling apart" as well. I. Get. it. I'm glad you and your muse are really inspire me! I keep all sorts of pages from magazines and never thought of a way to incorporate them into a journal page. Your ideas are sooo refreshing. I've got to follow you and again, welcome back! Jan (in WI)


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit my blog and to leave me a comment! I really do appreciate it and hope that you come back and visit me again soon! Take care and God Bless! di